This Lace Top actually started out as a stain prevention top . The first prototype however looked rather odd so I modified it to look good on its own as a Lace Top instead. While it does not meet its original purpose of stain prevention, it looks great as a standalone top - well when I say "standalone" I do recommend that you give your girls something to wear down below at the same time.
The lace on the edges is really interesting - it looks completely white indoors but outdoors it can sometimes look beige-ish - have a look at the photos to see what I mean. Same behaviour as the leggings though.
Designed for S bust but looks decent on bust sizes up to L (although a tight fit). There are some photos showing the up and coming L headlight-less bust.|このレーストップはもともと色移り防止トップスとして開発されましたが、そのうちにお出かけでも着れるトップスに変身しました。従来の色移り防止の目的はもう果たしていないですが、トップスとしてはかなりかわいい出来になりました。S胸用で伸ばせばL胸まで対応します。写真ではこれから発売するB地区なしのL胸の姿も写っています。